jueves, marzo 18, 2004

Let's get Lost in Translation

Vieron esta película? Me encantó. Tanto por el lenguaje cinematográfico que usa para decir las cosas como por las cosas que dice y sugiere.
En el sitio de la película hay una entrevista a Sofía Coppola (que escribió, y dirigió el movie) y Ross Katz (la productora). Va una parte:

Q: What would you like audiences to take away from their experience of watching the film? A mood? A moment? A specific emotion?

RK: I hope that people relate to it in the way that I do. I think it doesn't matter if you are the Charlotte character or the Bob character, or neither. Everybody, at a certain point, is a little lost and sometimes we just find a connection to someone that helps to re-inspire or center us. And it's something we'll never forget. I feel that, with Lost in Translation, in addition to making a very funny movie, Sofia has crafted a film that is very specific - warm and contemplative - with experiences we can all relate to.

SC: I can only say why I wanted to make the movie: to convey what I love about Tokyo and visiting the city. It's about moments in life that are great but don't last. They don't go on, but you always have the memory and they have an effect on you. That's what I was thinking about.

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